AELCLÉS is the Spanish acronym of «Agrupación Española de Entidades de Lucha contra la Leucemia y Enfermedades de la Sangre» (Network for Leukemia and Blood Disorders). It is a non-profit making organisation founded in 2009, formed from a group of associations with a shared objective: to help patients and their families affected by blood cancer illnesses to regain their health by supporting them throughout their treatment.
Speaking as one united voice and driven by the social needs of patients and their families, we seek to improve their quality of life and place special emphasis on support for research.
Additionally, a prime objective of AELCLÉS is to raise the profile of leukemia and other blood disorders and to make people aware of the importance of donating blood, bone marrow and blood from the umbilical cord.
As a group of associations, AELCLÉS is currently made of ADMO (Asociación para la donación de médula ósea de Extremadura, in Extremadura), ASCOL (Asociación contra la leucemia y Enfermedades de la Sangre de Salamanca, in Salamanca), ASOTRAME (Asociación Gallega de trasplantados de médula ósea, in Galicia), ASLEUVAL (Asociación para la Lucha contra la Leucemia de la Comunidad Valenciana, in Valencia), ADMOBU (Asociación de donantes de médula ósea de Burgos, in Burgos), ASPHER (Asociación de Pacientes de Enfermedades Hematológicas Raras de Aragón, in Zaragoza), HHLM (Héroes Hasta la Médula de Granada, in Granada), ASTHEHA (Asociación Trasplantados Hematopoyéticos y Enfermos Hematológicos de Asturias, in Asturias), ATMOS (Asociación de personas trasplantadas de médula ósea y enfermedades de la sangre de Sevilla, in Sevilla).
Association objectives are: To inform, disseminate information about and increase awareness of the needs of these patients; to boost the donation of blood, bone marrow and umbilical cord blood; to foster improvement in the quality of support frameworks; to promote and support research into the field of blood disorders; and to demand greater awareness of all patients’ needs from public sector organisations.